Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Fine Tuning - 37 steps Yang Style - 起势

Lesson on 30 Jan 2012

Master Chow again emphasized on the importance of the (Prof. Cheng Man-Ching) 37-steps Yang-style,
the very first step - 起势. 

Fast forward to the part whereby the legs had parted to shoulder width. (How the legs was parted was important but not cover in this fine tuning.)

Fine tuning points
- turn the should joints such that the palms are facing backwards and the thumbs touching the side of the body. This posture gives a natural curve to the arms.

- Sink the weight to the heels and relax the hip joint, as such a reaction force will raise the arms. Relax at the wrist so that the fingers are pointing down.

- With the arms raised, rotate the elbows to face downwards, without moving the wrist and fingers. I noticed that Master Chow while doing this, his shoulder is pushed back slightly.

- Relax the hip and shoulder, and sink at the elbow. As the elbow sinks, it will cause the wrist to "flip" up.

- In this position, imagine both hands (palms) is resting on a ball floating on water.

- Sink further and start to shift your weight forward, At the same time, relax the shoulder and feel the palms pushing the "ball" into the water. You should feel some resistance force there as you drop the hand. Another feeling is like your fingers moving through water. Relax the elbow, the wrist and the fingers to complete the full relaxation of the whole arm besides the body.

Practice, practice, practice

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