Thursday, August 22, 2013



2。身不動。身動不能把气集中在下丹田,虚實不能更換。必须有上下, 左右,和前後的虚實的轉動。


Sunday, August 11, 2013

Why Taiji had to be practice so slow

Ever since I took up Taiji, this question had always come across my mind.
Why Taiji had to be practice so slow?

I had gathered many answer, no right or wrong, but it does make sense.

1) Walking/Moving mediation. Practice Taiji as a form of moving mediation.
No other thoughts and no distraction, just you and your body.

2) Slowness and repetitions let your body remember the finer points sub-consciously.
Many Taiji passages talk about the body like a threaded pearl, each section connecting
to the next. It also mentioned about the mind (yi) leading the energy (chi). 
Hence, though slowness and repetitions, the body remembers how it should move. 
When it comes to real application, the movement may be fast, but the body moves correctly
to channel the energy (chi) to the desalinated area.  

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

秋风落叶乱为堆,扫尽还来千百回,一笑罢休闲处坐,任他着地自成灰 (南懷瑾)

秋风落叶乱为堆,扫尽还来千百回,一笑罢休闲处坐,任他着地自成灰 (南懷瑾)

The below is a very crude translation by me :)

The autumn leaves fall and gather on the ground.
No matter how much you sweep, it gathers back.
Why not take a rest and relax,
and let the leaves falls and decompose to dust.

I do not understand what these phases mean, until my master (Master Chow)
explained to us.

The phases are used in context when doing meditation.
The autumn leaves are like the thoughts and distraction coming into your mind, 
and you try to stop these thoughts like "sweeping" the autumn, whereby it will
reform again. Why not leave the thought as it is and let it turn to dust.

This describe the state of mind we should have when doing meditation.