During last evening class, we managed to get our first real taste of "pushing" effortlessly.
The critical point I realized is the "song" before the "fa jin".
It had been repeatedly shown to us by Master Chow, but I guess during the early stage we are not "song" enough to have the understanding of this.
I guess the effort put in into the basic fundamental exercise pays off.
Master Chow further emphasis the timing of the "song" and "fa jin".
Wednesday, October 9, 2013
Thursday, August 22, 2013
2。身不動。身動不能把气集中在下丹田,虚實不能更換。必须有上下, 左右,和前後的虚實的轉動。
2。身不動。身動不能把气集中在下丹田,虚實不能更換。必须有上下, 左右,和前後的虚實的轉動。
Sunday, August 11, 2013
Why Taiji had to be practice so slow
Ever since I took up Taiji, this question had always come across my mind.
Why Taiji had to be practice so slow?
I had gathered many answer, no right or wrong, but it does make sense.
1) Walking/Moving mediation. Practice Taiji as a form of moving mediation.
No other thoughts and no distraction, just you and your body.
2) Slowness and repetitions let your body remember the finer points sub-consciously.
Many Taiji passages talk about the body like a threaded pearl, each section connecting
to the next. It also mentioned about the mind (yi) leading the energy (chi).
Hence, though slowness and repetitions, the body remembers how it should move.
When it comes to real application, the movement may be fast, but the body moves correctly
to channel the energy (chi) to the desalinated area.
Why Taiji had to be practice so slow?
I had gathered many answer, no right or wrong, but it does make sense.
1) Walking/Moving mediation. Practice Taiji as a form of moving mediation.
No other thoughts and no distraction, just you and your body.
2) Slowness and repetitions let your body remember the finer points sub-consciously.
Many Taiji passages talk about the body like a threaded pearl, each section connecting
to the next. It also mentioned about the mind (yi) leading the energy (chi).
Hence, though slowness and repetitions, the body remembers how it should move.
When it comes to real application, the movement may be fast, but the body moves correctly
to channel the energy (chi) to the desalinated area.
Tuesday, August 6, 2013
秋风落叶乱为堆,扫尽还来千百回,一笑罢休闲处坐,任他着地自成灰 (南懷瑾)
秋风落叶乱为堆,扫尽还来千百回,一笑罢休闲处坐,任他着地自成灰 (南懷瑾)
The below is a very crude translation by me :)
The autumn leaves fall and gather on the ground.
No matter how much you sweep, it gathers back.
Why not take a rest and relax,
and let the leaves falls and decompose to dust.
I do not understand what these phases mean, until my master (Master Chow)
explained to us.
The phases are used in context when doing meditation.
The autumn leaves are like the thoughts and distraction coming into your mind,
and you try to stop these thoughts like "sweeping" the autumn, whereby it will
reform again. Why not leave the thought as it is and let it turn to dust.
This describe the state of mind we should have when doing meditation.
The below is a very crude translation by me :)
The autumn leaves fall and gather on the ground.
No matter how much you sweep, it gathers back.
Why not take a rest and relax,
and let the leaves falls and decompose to dust.
I do not understand what these phases mean, until my master (Master Chow)
explained to us.
The phases are used in context when doing meditation.
The autumn leaves are like the thoughts and distraction coming into your mind,
and you try to stop these thoughts like "sweeping" the autumn, whereby it will
reform again. Why not leave the thought as it is and let it turn to dust.
This describe the state of mind we should have when doing meditation.
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
Secret #12 - Opening the bubbling wells
During one of the practice sessions, Master Chow was commenting on one of the many secrets of Taiji.
You must open up the points at the center of your palms (劳工) and soles (泳泉).
When practicing, the chi will reach the hand and the fingers will open up (softly) like the petals of flowers. After the fingers were open, push/swell the center of the palms such that you get the feeling that the chi is bubbling/spilling out from the palms.
It is more difficult to do it on the soles, but the theory is the same.
You must open up the points at the center of your palms (劳工) and soles (泳泉).
When practicing, the chi will reach the hand and the fingers will open up (softly) like the petals of flowers. After the fingers were open, push/swell the center of the palms such that you get the feeling that the chi is bubbling/spilling out from the palms.
It is more difficult to do it on the soles, but the theory is the same.
Thursday, March 21, 2013
The root of Taiji is in the feet, "force" from the leg, control by the waist, and the form take shape in the fingers (that is the chi reaches all the way to the fingers). From the feet to the leg to the waist, it must be a single continuous flow of chi. This will allow you to find the opportunity and get the upper hand. If you cannot find the opportunity and lose the upper hand, the problem is always in the waist and leg.
夫人犹植树然,根深则蒂固,木固则枝荣。树之所以经大风而不倾折者,在根深而本固也,太极拳之所以推挽不移者,亦如是也。于是乎松功尚焉。虽然,予创此松 功,乃由多年体会,多年实践所得之结论,并未集思广益,难免闭门造车之弊,深望广大太极拳爱好者,不吝嘉言,共促祖国医学太极拳能在普及基础上有所提高, 则幸甚矣。
松者,蓬松也;宽而不紧也;轻松也;放开也;轻松畅快也;不坚凝也;含有小孔以容其他物质之特性也。凡此种种,皆明示松之意义也。功者,劳绩也;成效也; 事物之效用也;行为之效用,所生之作用也;对事物所显著之功用与力量也;生理器官之本能,如关节之转动也;锻炼所费之时间也。凡此种种莫不皆明示功之意义 也。
(松) is fluffy, is wide but not tight, is relax, is open and carefree, is not fix. It is like having small holes that can contains other matters.
松功锻炼过程,常有各个关节动作不如已意之感,精进不已。渐觉略感随意,久而久之,方感动作裕如,随心所欲,处处灵活。此时方知各个关节听我所用,周身随 意肌方能随意也。不然,我之周身并不听我所用,活人乎?病人乎?实难言也。故祖国医学太极拳对人体慢性病与病后恢复期能起显著疗效者,良以此也。
松功之要,首在提举,提举愈高,下落愈速。有人不解提举之理,以为非松功也,殊不知向上提举有如扛鼎,不能上,安能下?向上不松,下安能松?学者宜深切体 会之,方自得也。松功如高举珠,倏然而段,有如断线珍珠,粒粒下落,如珠走盘,圆活异常,节节贯串,鱼贯而下,方显活泼而不迟滞,动作自然,顺乎规律,发 育身心自然之条件,合乎生理自然之能力,证之科学亦无不合也。
The body is like pearls string up. Each pearl is like a joint/connection of the body. When moving, each pearl is move one after another. This is nature.
松功之效,以树为例,大风吹柳,枝条摇动,呼啸有声,任其摇摆而根不拔者,以其柔韧而顺遂也。风吹白杨,枝叶作响而本不动者,以其枝叶抖擞也,风吹松柏, 寂然不动而体气和平者,以其应物自然也。人身通过练习松功之后,走如风,站如钉,立如松,坐如钟,卧如弓。周身无一处不轻灵,无一处不坚韧,无一处不沉 固,无一处不顺遂,通体贯串,丝毫无间。一处受警,该处立即反射以应之,其他各处不受牵连,周身如点,均能反射,亦即处处是手,不单靠两手,两足也。其便 利为何如哉!在生理方面,畅运血脉,活动筋骨,身心发育,应物自然,方显圆活之趣,而无迟重之虞,气遍周身,强身健体,自在其中矣。且松功练习即久,上下 左右前后均能松展裕如。有如常山之蛇,击其首则尾应,击其尾则首应,击其中则首尾俱应。呼应灵活,动作自然,有返其天真之妙,对于人体预防抻伤,扭伤,脱 臼以及畸形发育,均有莫大之裨益,中老年练习者,能推迟人体之衰老,或预防关节之硬化。此为太极拳松功之特点。学者如能持之以恒,坚持不懈,自能收强身健 体之效,学者不可不知也。
With practice, you will be like a tree. When the wind blows, the leaves and branches flow with the wind and yet the trunk and root is firm and stable. You will be able to react instantly to external force, every part of your body is a points, you no longer have only two hands and feet, but your whole body. After long practice, you will be like a snake. When attack on the head, the tail will react. When attack on the tail, the head will react. When attack on the center, both head and tail will react.
在练习松功之初,首先宜注意姿势之是否正确,动作之能否自然。初练之时,往往有动作不从心之感,是未松开之现象,关节不能柔韧之表现,筋骨不活,血脉运行 不畅,未能顺乎生理机能之所致。须耐心冲过此一关,然后自然有成,不可灰心而辍也。 祖国医学太极拳之松功,自有其科学上之根据,盖人体生存于地球之上,莫不受地心之吸引,因此下降愈速则愈显沉。沉者,坠也。下降愈松则沉之愈重。故松功之 松与沉,可同时收效,此宇宙自然之理也。学者宜探讨之。 祖国医学之太极拳,通过松功之锻炼。对于太极拳之形与势亦有莫大之效益。
In the initial state of practicing, the main points to pay attention to is whether the form is accurate and if it is natural.
形者,若决积水于千仞之溪,水之性,避高而趋下,决之赴深溪,因湍浚而莫之御也。太极拳松功,能乘敌之不备,掩敌之不意,避实而击虚,亦莫之制也。势者, 坂上走丸,言其易也,松功即熟,有如转圆石于千仞之山者,势也。势如破竹,迎刃而解。故太极拳松功即成,则能本乎人生天然优美之发育,顺先天自然之能力, 使全体得充分之发展,谋一生永久之健康,意在斯乎!意在斯乎!此予松功之所由作,良以此也。祖国医学向主不治已病治未病,西医亦以防治为主,医疗为辅,此 中西之通论如此也。而太极拳之松功,则使人体各个关节即轻松畅快,又异常灵活,既坚韧柔和,又宽而不紧,既无松懈乏力,又无坚凝不舒。通过锻炼,养成骨节 灵敏,韧带柔韧,肌肉灵活,屈伸自由。如持之以恒,能推迟衰老,与其得病而牵引,倘若未病练松功。久而久之,推,拉,挽,转不能稍移,抻,扭,撮气,无由 而生,顺其生理之机能,维护功能之永保。在技击方面,人不能到而已能到。 语曰: “不怕力大一石,只怕筋长一分”。即此义也。在锻炼每章中已说明者,不再重述。学者如能前后精读,细究,反复琢磨,参透其中深意,则强身健体,健康长寿,自在其中矣,学者幸勿以予言为河汉也,是为论。
The root of Taiji is in the feet, "force" from the leg, control by the waist, and the form take shape in the fingers (that is the chi reaches all the way to the fingers). From the feet to the leg to the waist, it must be a single continuous flow of chi. This will allow you to find the opportunity and get the upper hand. If you cannot find the opportunity and lose the upper hand, the problem is always in the waist and leg.
夫人犹植树然,根深则蒂固,木固则枝荣。树之所以经大风而不倾折者,在根深而本固也,太极拳之所以推挽不移者,亦如是也。于是乎松功尚焉。虽然,予创此松 功,乃由多年体会,多年实践所得之结论,并未集思广益,难免闭门造车之弊,深望广大太极拳爱好者,不吝嘉言,共促祖国医学太极拳能在普及基础上有所提高, 则幸甚矣。
松者,蓬松也;宽而不紧也;轻松也;放开也;轻松畅快也;不坚凝也;含有小孔以容其他物质之特性也。凡此种种,皆明示松之意义也。功者,劳绩也;成效也; 事物之效用也;行为之效用,所生之作用也;对事物所显著之功用与力量也;生理器官之本能,如关节之转动也;锻炼所费之时间也。凡此种种莫不皆明示功之意义 也。
(松) is fluffy, is wide but not tight, is relax, is open and carefree, is not fix. It is like having small holes that can contains other matters.
松功锻炼过程,常有各个关节动作不如已意之感,精进不已。渐觉略感随意,久而久之,方感动作裕如,随心所欲,处处灵活。此时方知各个关节听我所用,周身随 意肌方能随意也。不然,我之周身并不听我所用,活人乎?病人乎?实难言也。故祖国医学太极拳对人体慢性病与病后恢复期能起显著疗效者,良以此也。
松功之要,首在提举,提举愈高,下落愈速。有人不解提举之理,以为非松功也,殊不知向上提举有如扛鼎,不能上,安能下?向上不松,下安能松?学者宜深切体 会之,方自得也。松功如高举珠,倏然而段,有如断线珍珠,粒粒下落,如珠走盘,圆活异常,节节贯串,鱼贯而下,方显活泼而不迟滞,动作自然,顺乎规律,发 育身心自然之条件,合乎生理自然之能力,证之科学亦无不合也。
The body is like pearls string up. Each pearl is like a joint/connection of the body. When moving, each pearl is move one after another. This is nature.
松功之效,以树为例,大风吹柳,枝条摇动,呼啸有声,任其摇摆而根不拔者,以其柔韧而顺遂也。风吹白杨,枝叶作响而本不动者,以其枝叶抖擞也,风吹松柏, 寂然不动而体气和平者,以其应物自然也。人身通过练习松功之后,走如风,站如钉,立如松,坐如钟,卧如弓。周身无一处不轻灵,无一处不坚韧,无一处不沉 固,无一处不顺遂,通体贯串,丝毫无间。一处受警,该处立即反射以应之,其他各处不受牵连,周身如点,均能反射,亦即处处是手,不单靠两手,两足也。其便 利为何如哉!在生理方面,畅运血脉,活动筋骨,身心发育,应物自然,方显圆活之趣,而无迟重之虞,气遍周身,强身健体,自在其中矣。且松功练习即久,上下 左右前后均能松展裕如。有如常山之蛇,击其首则尾应,击其尾则首应,击其中则首尾俱应。呼应灵活,动作自然,有返其天真之妙,对于人体预防抻伤,扭伤,脱 臼以及畸形发育,均有莫大之裨益,中老年练习者,能推迟人体之衰老,或预防关节之硬化。此为太极拳松功之特点。学者如能持之以恒,坚持不懈,自能收强身健 体之效,学者不可不知也。
With practice, you will be like a tree. When the wind blows, the leaves and branches flow with the wind and yet the trunk and root is firm and stable. You will be able to react instantly to external force, every part of your body is a points, you no longer have only two hands and feet, but your whole body. After long practice, you will be like a snake. When attack on the head, the tail will react. When attack on the tail, the head will react. When attack on the center, both head and tail will react.
在练习松功之初,首先宜注意姿势之是否正确,动作之能否自然。初练之时,往往有动作不从心之感,是未松开之现象,关节不能柔韧之表现,筋骨不活,血脉运行 不畅,未能顺乎生理机能之所致。须耐心冲过此一关,然后自然有成,不可灰心而辍也。 祖国医学太极拳之松功,自有其科学上之根据,盖人体生存于地球之上,莫不受地心之吸引,因此下降愈速则愈显沉。沉者,坠也。下降愈松则沉之愈重。故松功之 松与沉,可同时收效,此宇宙自然之理也。学者宜探讨之。 祖国医学之太极拳,通过松功之锻炼。对于太极拳之形与势亦有莫大之效益。
In the initial state of practicing, the main points to pay attention to is whether the form is accurate and if it is natural.
形者,若决积水于千仞之溪,水之性,避高而趋下,决之赴深溪,因湍浚而莫之御也。太极拳松功,能乘敌之不备,掩敌之不意,避实而击虚,亦莫之制也。势者, 坂上走丸,言其易也,松功即熟,有如转圆石于千仞之山者,势也。势如破竹,迎刃而解。故太极拳松功即成,则能本乎人生天然优美之发育,顺先天自然之能力, 使全体得充分之发展,谋一生永久之健康,意在斯乎!意在斯乎!此予松功之所由作,良以此也。祖国医学向主不治已病治未病,西医亦以防治为主,医疗为辅,此 中西之通论如此也。而太极拳之松功,则使人体各个关节即轻松畅快,又异常灵活,既坚韧柔和,又宽而不紧,既无松懈乏力,又无坚凝不舒。通过锻炼,养成骨节 灵敏,韧带柔韧,肌肉灵活,屈伸自由。如持之以恒,能推迟衰老,与其得病而牵引,倘若未病练松功。久而久之,推,拉,挽,转不能稍移,抻,扭,撮气,无由 而生,顺其生理之机能,维护功能之永保。在技击方面,人不能到而已能到。 语曰: “不怕力大一石,只怕筋长一分”。即此义也。在锻炼每章中已说明者,不再重述。学者如能前后精读,细究,反复琢磨,参透其中深意,则强身健体,健康长寿,自在其中矣,学者幸勿以予言为河汉也,是为论。
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
陈式太极功 verse
(Shìchuán chén shì tàijí gōng, Tǐ yòng jiānbèi miào wúqióng)
The Chen style Taiji Quan pass down from generations,
Usage of the body in the art was magnificent and boundless.
(Zhédié chánrào nèiwài xuán, kāi hé dī chōu huízhuǎn líng)
Folding and winding, spining from within and with-out,
Open and close, extend and withdraw, the change must be smooth and agile.
(Shìchuán chén shì tàijí gōng, Tǐ yòng jiānbèi miào wúqióng)
The Chen style Taiji Quan pass down from generations,
Usage of the body in the art was magnificent and boundless.
(Zhédié chánrào nèiwài xuán, kāi hé dī chōu huízhuǎn líng)
Folding and winding, spining from within and with-out,
Open and close, extend and withdraw, the change must be smooth and agile.
word for word translation
- fold
叠 - stack/pie
缠 - tangle
绕 - bypass/skirt around "something"
旋 - spin/coil
堤 - embankment
抽 - draw
叠 - stack/pie
缠 - tangle
绕 - bypass/skirt around "something"
旋 - spin/coil
堤 - embankment
抽 - draw
(Liǎn shén yòngyì suíshǒu shì, jìntuì zhuǎnhuàn tí cā qīng)
Focus the intention and it will be seen from the hand,
Movement of the leg should be light.
敛 - gather
提 - lift (as in 提手 )
擦 - rub ( does not know how this "rub" come applies in Taiji)
提 - lift (as in 提手 )
擦 - rub ( does not know how this "rub" come applies in Taiji)
So I am guessing that "进退转换提擦轻" means when you are moving, either lifting
your leg or sliding, it should be done lightly. Inorder to do that, you need to differentiate the substantial and in-substantial.
(Gāng róu kuàimàn xù fā jìn, nèi qì qián zhuǎn qùyì nóng)
The changing of state (hard/soft, fast/slow) will accumulate jin,
The understanding of the qi in the body is an immerse knowledge.
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